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Replacing Missing Teeth

Replacing Missing Teeth: Exploring your options for a confident smile

Losing a tooth can happen for many reasons such as an extraction or accident, and it can significantly impact your overall confidence and oral health. 

We will delve into the consequences of doing nothing about a missing tooth and explore different tooth replacement options, including dentures, bridges, and dental implants. Discover how each option can restore your smile and provide long-term benefits.

Do Nothing: Understanding the Consequences 

Choosing to ignore a missing tooth can harm your oral health. When a tooth is extracted, bone resorption occurs, causing the loss of the alveolar ridge. This bone loss is most prominent within the first six months after the extraction. Moreover, the opposing tooth may shift into the gap, leading to misalignment. Additionally, the space becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and infection, potentially spreading to your jawbone or bloodstream.

Denture: A Temporary Solution 

Dentures, also known as removable plates, are a popular and more affordable option for replacing missing teeth. While dentures can restore your smile, it’s important to note that they are not a permanent solution. You will need to remove the denture at night and maintain proper oral hygiene by brushing your gums and cleaning the denture daily to prevent denture stomatitis, a condition characterised by inflammation and infection of the oral tissues.

Bridge: Restoring the Gap 

A dental bridge can effectively replace one or two missing teeth if the adjacent teeth are strong enough. One of the key benefits of a bridge is its ability to restore the natural appearance of your teeth, preventing facial changes and stopping neighbouring teeth from shifting into the gap. However, it’s important to consider that the two adjacent teeth must be shaved down to accommodate the bridge, resulting in irreversible damage to otherwise healthy teeth.

Implant: A Permanent and Natural Solution 

For a stable and long-lasting solution, dental implants offer unparalleled benefits. An implant is the closest option to a natural tooth, providing stability, functionality, and aesthetics. With proper care, an implant can last a lifetime while preventing bone loss in the area and preserving your facial structure. Dental implants can be customised to match the shade of your natural teeth, resulting in a seamless and natural-looking smile. Furthermore, they can bite and chew confidently, just like natural teeth.


When replacing missing teeth, exploring the available options and making an informed decision are crucial. While doing nothing may have long-term consequences, dentures, bridges, and dental implants each have advantages and considerations. 

At Anglesea Dental, we are committed to helping you regain your smile and oral health. Consult our experienced dental team to determine the best solution for your unique needs. Don’t let a missing tooth hold you back—embrace the transformative power of modern tooth replacement options for a confident and radiant smile.

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